Tuesday, October 19, 2010

My favorite holiday

  I introduce about my favorite holiday, New year's day in Japan. It's begining of the year.

First, between on December31 at night and January1 at noon , many people visit a shrine at the beginning of the New Year, and can pull out an omikuji there. Omikuji is their own fortune drawn by lot. At night in New year's day 2010, I visited a local shrine with my friends. There are many many people, so I felt little sick in a crowd.

Second,  on January1, many people usually celebrate the New Year with family. We eat traditional Japanese food prepared in advance for consumption during the first three days of the New Year. In addition, many people drink sake and soup containing mochi (rice cakes). I like it very much.

Finally, I think Japanese people work more than other countries people, but this day, many people spend many times for oneself, for example: drinking, watching TV, sleeping and talking with family. It's very calm, so I think it's important for people to relax and how a wonderful day !!!

In conclusion, I like this holiday, but recent years, this old custom is becoming obsolete.


  1. When I was in Japan for New Year's, I went to a shrine in Fukuoka. It was a huge celebration. I'm not a huge fan of mochi though!

    Corrections: "I will introduce my favorite holiday, New Year's Day in Japan." "...I think it's important for people to relax and have a wonderful day!"

  2. I heard japanese people wearing gimono at New Year right????????

  3. ooh I already heard about your holiday . that's sound great.I want to try to eat your food one day...:)

  4. i like this holiday. it is a huge celebration
